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Refresh your Grammar - Practise your Vocabulary

Ex. 1

1. whiteheads; blackheads 2. skin crupóons; skin Itsioos; scare; blotches 3. signs; infecoon; outbrcaks; pimpks 4. subcutaneous lesions; pumlent caudate 5. pas

Ex. 2

a. 1. You must nvoid scrubbing the skin 2. You must avoid washing your face 3. You must avoćd using 4. You must avoid touchmg the skin S. You must avoid rubbing the skin lesions. 6. You must avoid tzying to evacuatc b. 1. You can’t risk deveJoping scaning, 2. You can't risk hav-mg dark blotchcs. 3. You can't risk having serious skin problems. 4. You cank lisk desrebping skin irritation. 5. You can't risk developing an in-flammarion. 6. You can’t risk dcveloping permanent skin changes.

Ex. 3


1. looked; saw, suggested; wcrc; showed; did not notice 1 has nevcr had; has cncouragtd; has dcvcJoped; has uied; has scrubbed; has not helped; has madę 3. have already toid; have adviscd; have warncd; have dedded; will cvnluate; prescribe

Ex. 4

1. cvacuHte 2. press 3. squec2c 4. pinch 5. remove 6. pick

Study and Practise the Vocabulary

Ex. 1

a.    1. sebaceous glands 2. face; back; chcst; shoulders 3. inflammatory 4. comedoncs 5. blackheads; whiteheads 6. scars 7. piuulent exudate

b.    l.complcx;prolonged 2. dermatologists; endocnnologists 3. topical agents; incision; dnunage; uItraviokt 4. fatty acids 5. peroxidc lotions; gels 6. hormonal 7. coutse; severity c. 1. cłueat; disfiguring; scar-ring Z upsctdng disorder 3. heal; ksions; ptcvent; mininuze; associated 4. topical; systemie 5. dirccdy; leswn 6. systemie; prescribcd; mouth 7. applied

Ex. 2

1. Arc sebaceous glands distributed only on the face and the scalp? Z What hormones are sebaceous glands controIkd by? 3. Which parts of the body does acnc vulgans affect mostly? 4. What is the disorder characteriscd by? 5. Which age group does acnc wlgaris affcct most often? 6. Who should moderate and sevcre acne be treated by? 7. Can acnc be treated with both topical and systemie mcdication? 8. Are there any over-the-counter acnc mcdicincs?

Ex. 3

Z what you mean when you speak about aatt congiobota? 3. acne is much morę common among females than malcs? 4. oaxfulminons affects mak adolesccnts only? 5. hormonal preparations are really ineffecńve in eon-trolbng acnc? 6. what lesions we can expcct to find in atut JhImhms? 7. this carly stage of acnc has any speciaJ name? 8. what skin ksions characterise this early stage of acne?


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