•    Enlerglng or reduclng the Biz* of a design

Tr*cc thc otifiml dc-ugn orno t piec* of tncing paper. wtuarc u ofi and tben draw j gnd panem On anotber piece of tracułg paper. draw a vquirc thit u larger Or inullrr by thr reguitcd proportton and make the »amc numbrr of grad pat term; then nrdraw thc dciign.

•    Tran sfer rmg a design

To uanafer a dcłigtt onto fabrtc. you can me dreunialter’ł carbon papet. ot you can draw the design on paper and pnek u onto thc fabrK with a ncedk if the decwjn camot be trantfrrrcd. But the tnoM popular method whtch makr* me of dr«łmaker*» carbon n ccplatned herc

☆ Changing the size or the shape of a design

☆ Transferring a design

D Piace traemg papor on !h« Oesagn pin at upppr comprs and transfer the design with a penah_

Lay the dresemaker s carbon paper

ĆO Spray water over th« wrong skJ« ot fabne and prosa it smooth

between the labric and design fctod at « płaong it lace down on the fabne.

Pul a sheet o< ceHophene on the design and draw over * wilh a sieei pen

• j Lay the treced design on the tabne to be embroHWred and pin at upper cor-ners.

Atter iranslernng the design remom the cellopbane and carbon paper


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