Croiv-\titrh rnibriiKlcry dilo haik to thc Byrjiitmc Empire. Fint intrnducrd to F.uropc in Italy. M tur no w betonie populw ihroughout thc wortd.
It contutt of counting wjuaro and inakmi; irottet on thc face ot' thc fibrir Fach niech i* crnucil at thc ccntcf of cach M|uarc. and m tlić tanie duretion. Embroidcry fłbncs with a wcavc. or "*qU3ftł," that arc caty to count arc mott otten uted, lot europie. Indian cloth. Java doth (finc. medium, and largc »cavc) and congrcss (»cc paRc I). For croM-ttitch u\c a nccdlc with a uninJ point. Wlicn thc tlircadt of i la buc arc hard to count. such at with vclvct and fclt, tlić design can be worked on thc tabne ovct a piece of canvat, and thc threadt of tanva> we tlnm dtawn out afto tl»e woik a tinuhed (łee page 24). I innh thc cml of your thread by patting a 4- or !»-cm length undcf thc last stitchcs. thcti tut thc thread otT
-2» Determine Ihe center ol tho horuontal and ve<1k>al imes on the labnc. then tac* and appły martung ptns atong the edges al
mt«rvals Ol 10 squaros on Ihe nght and Ihe left Check to see that the samo rurtw ot »quares are lain on the labnc as aro on tho paltem
This lechmque is usod lor isolaled parterns and colors. Bring the needie out at 1. mąko a hnllslrtch to bot tom nght 2. bnrtg tho neodle aut again at 3. thon msort it mto 4. The socond cross shaped / * a top stilch and tho thread is worked horizontaHy on the wrong side ot the fabric.
Bnng the neodto out at 1. insert it inlo 2 and out at 3 homontalty Brmg the needie trom 4 to 5 tor 2 stitches. Wortt nght to left. repeating trom 2 to 3 and Irom 4 to 5.