387 â–¡ Ecm
895 E 223 Shell płnk 118® 340 Medium perfwlnkle
1012 [& 754 Peach
178 B 791 Cornfiower blue
388 !gj 842 Beige brown 944 B 869 Hazel
851 53 924 Deep gray blue 848 E 927 Llght gray blue 903 ® 3032 Mocha
059 E 3350 Dusty rosÄ™ 1028 B 3685 Dark mauve
060 â–¡ 3688 Medium mauve 1030 0 3746 Dark pertwlnkle
779 ll 3768 Dark gray blue
778 0 3774 Pało roso beige 8LENDED NEEDLE
387 @ Ecrul2X) and
210 Krelnlk goid dusi blendlng fiiament (IX)
895 ffi 223 Shell plnk (2X> and 1016 778 Antique mauve (IX)
167 ® 598 Turquolse (2X) and
014HL Kreinik sky blue blondlng diament (IX)
891 B 67$ Llght old gold (2X) and 102HL Kreinik Votican Hlluatre blendlng lllament (IX)
901 E 680 Dark old gold (2X) and 221 Kreinik antique gokJ blendlng lilamenl <1X)
890 E 729 Medium old gold <2X> and 002HL Kreinik gold blendlng diament (IX)
4146 (ii 950 Llght rosÄ™ beige (2X) and 899 __ 3023 Llght brown gray <1X)
899 0 3023 Llght brown gray (2X) and
388 842 Beige brown (1X)
903 E 3032 Mocha (2X) and 388 842 Beige brown <1X)
170 E 3765 Pcacock blue (2X) and 014HL Krelnlk sky bluo blendlng diament (iX)
779 E 3768 Dark gray blue (2X) and
848 927 Llght gray blue (1X)
1013 121 3778 Terra cotta (2X) and
127 Krelnlk yellow/orange blendlng diament (1X)
178 791 Cornflower bluo-numbers,
gold trlm on Mory's robo 359 801 Medium cotfee brown-halo*
127 823 Navy- Mary'a purple robÄ™
851 924 Deep gray blue -
Mary'* eeru headplece
381 938 Deep coflee brown- Infant'*
rod blankot and halr 410 995 Electric bluo - jewel
059 3350 Dusty roso - mouths
382 3371 8lock brown -lash llne
1007 3772 Cocoa-heada and
hand outllne
273 3787 Dark brown gray-
facial fealures (2X)
13x 13-inch piccc of 28-count bonc Jobelan fabric Threaus
Cotton embroidery floss in colors Å‚isted in kcy
Blcnding fiiament in colom listed in kcy SlIPRMKS Embroidery hoop Necdle
11%-inch diameter crown platc framc (scc page 33)
1 yard of Mi-inch diameter mctallic gold braid (optional)
Crafis gluc (optional)
Tape or zigzag the edges of the Jobelan to prevent fabric from fray-ing. Find the center of the chart and the center of the fabric: begin stitch-ing therc.
Usc threc plies of floss to work all cross-stitchcs over iwo threads of the fabric. Work the blendcd ncedlc cross-slilches as specificd in the kcy. Work backstitches using one ply of floss unlcss otherwise spccifted in the kcy.
Press the finished stitchcry from lite back and framc in the crown piÄ…te framc or desired framc. Gluc braid in the indcniatioft of the platc framc. if desired.
Stłtcticowl: f f f bgr> x ll) w&i Finished design sizes:
H-coont fabric - 7łj x Ttoinctes llox<nl fabric-UJ x )0lnct»s tS-COunt fabric-SM x SMinctes