Ci‘H/nt>uh \UnJuftl«t>tc, j;,.-vn tire. iiu'. ,V. ij. nfti crtni/irmah Ą rc-. ■■<... ■;,nrrf w!., fi•'•■o ■;u.i unpfOiWN \ lliw Huii<i3n)>
1 Ms Peter* dccidcd (h ■ —
3 PJeosc (nko out (Ile fv Ilai cvffV'MU' m clwd .1 vofly '>! l<— S I rhJiJk we l)avc* fu 1’oiK’ortiMic ihkI
the iiwchng oi ‘i u\l««ck mul |<mk tii pfijt*-' '•
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2 Piiwi-K‘,f - . . We Jwv*> lo malOMi ilwWiłn wioń.
•J Mr Hiin«on, |>lc;isc • io|) iiivl'.iiiij! liw wte Iw • bcen . -
'ł Afler we have cowred im,v olhor builm-v..we will — (lic rnceting
7 Plcasc reeeiw iny - _ - for Mng lale
—« -c«i.v»i!vnJ WŁ wh# t •
/ lutni ilir iłutt
ł//>Wtf / tu y,UaU- icnp*,
'Vv <hi? JCCK.'<.')U omvt;fłr» tUfTWłł. W. dt!*0
H-n* lhvm lu h«pp«n »t On* <-oa7j\»n> api.n \Ve *rr
i/ur v>cj jl rcffNiOuhtlUy program V\V * ftl <v.*t
.«mp*oy fełOy <5> tmut% An» r*
(ŁŁCiJcA/iny law or>J f^rcyc. ft .y.t A-^fv iW: •
•»( tuminon dictnctr. uc win »v*o
c. o^te^ o y
. the tnpit 7" • Ł/
Z. rretc^lt^j & ty
• enharne iłwnchoWcr volu«.
• fccognize emptoycos' rtKirit
• give loit and adi’quote compens.itfon
• provid<? dean and sofo workinq tondmoir.
• provido ncw cquipitiftrtt and rww f.K ilit(0,*»
• omy on reiean h and dayćlop lnnóv.)hon
• encourage < ivic improv<‘/nent%
• suppoil q<xxi wo/Jo, and (h/irllic.
• protpeł the ewironmenl and natuMl n>%oiir<
• avoid exploil»ng dwelopjnfl coonlrics
• build d sustaipable business
• have equol oppOdUnlty for jobs and dmlopmont
• ft*Ąl frre* to mąko iu<j()i>'.tionr. and tomplainb;
Road the corporate socia! responsibitity declaration above. Cornplete the definitions 1-^ \vłth words ftom the dedaratłon.
I the profit that a company mak es (or its imestors
2 money paid because sonieone is injured or has lvxst tlicir job_
rooms and eąuipmcnt that arc provided for a paitkula? purpose
4 onjanizations that gjve help to pcople \\ ho tteed u
5 the land, water and air that peoplc livc in r........
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