fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the rf wattmeter for 1 to 500 MHz. Fixed-value capacitors are disk ceramic except as noted; polar-ized capacitors are electrolytic or tantalum; rasistors are % or Vi
watt carbon composition types.
Cl. C2 0.1 uf chip capacitor or miniaturę leadless ceramic discap
11,12 subminiature T-3/4 incandescent lamp iChicago Miniaturę type
CM2, CM30, or CM3102}
R18 5k trimmer
R19 2k trimmer
R4-R10 (see tabłe 1 of text)
J1 ..BNC jack, flange mount R15 miniaturę 50k 10-turn pot
51 dpst toggle switch
52 2 pole, 7 position fotary wafer switch