what the fallure, try another way: try going up, over, around, or through, but never give up.
5 __ The men taught me that regardless of the excuses you can come up with
as to why you can't live the life of your dreams (where you were born, what race or colour or age you are, your education or lack of it), someone out there Is far worse off than you are right now but is going after having it all. They wanted to become morę and to have morę. And they did it.
6 - About three years later I decided to pursue that 'new world' in earnest. In
the meantime, though, I got back into Street life, this time solo. Although I learned a great deal on the streets that has actually been applicable in business, I paid the price in self-esteem. At łast, when I was nineteen and moved to another city I started a new life and never committed another crime.
7 - Yet ss a young man finally succeeding in a legitimate career in real estate,
I had to battle beliefs such as Tm not smart enough', 'Nobody likes me' and 'People are dishonest' which unconsciously drove my behaviour. Nothing is morę important than having a positive self-image; likewise, nothing is morę ultimately cnppling than developing an identity as a criminal.
8 - Throughout this book, HI be sharing with you my journey from bemg that
struggling Street kid with Iow self-esteem to becommg a multimillion-dollar entrepreneur, all by legał, ethical means. III not only share my own stories of setbacks and success, but also the stories of others I've come to admire who demonstrate the strength and resilience of the human spirit.
9 _ We need these examples to show us what's possible. We see versions of
good life on TV, but it's a distorted picture. Television presents such a skewed vision of the world, teasing us with things we want but never giving us a clue about how to get them. We can also see relationships on TV that are so messed up, with people killing each other, stealing, lying, and cheating. Where are the good examples?
10._ The school system is geared towards having kids listen, study, remember
all they can, take tests, and pass if possible. For the most part, this is nothing but education in memory. Personal development pioneer Earl Nightingale once said, 'If most people said what they were thinking, they'd be speechless.' Now we need to teach people how to think, to have high self-esteem and a true understanding of themselves.
Part B. Match the definitions with the words or phrases m the text. (10 pomts)
1 _______friendly or sociable ( adjective, par.l)
2 ___to be or remain on pleasant terms (phrasal verb,
3 ___to steal from a shop (noun, par.3)
4 ___ it causes problems or delays and holds up the
progress of somebody or something (noun, par.4)
5. ___ In spite of (prep.-phrase, par.5)
6, _ ________ conftdence and satisfaction in oneself (noun, par.6)
in accordance with law (adjective, par.7)
somebody who organizes and manages a business or enterprise (noun, par.8) sth that helps to solve a problem or mystery ( noun, par.9)
to adjust so as to match, blend with, or satisfy sth (passłve verb, par. 10)