Acute wattry diarrhea in patkat who hwwtcn shcll-fisb import rom cr caused by
a. Campylobacicr fetus
b. Salmonella lyphimurium
c. Shigdla flexneri Vibrio cholcrae
65. Wbich itage of HIV infection is not elassified ai AIDS (according to CDC classification):
a. Cl
b. C3
66. AIDS indicativc disease is:
a. orał candidiasis,
(b) candidiasis ofesophagus
c. Merpes zoster (> 2 dermatomes)
d. hairy leucoplakia.
67. Gas gangrenÄ™ occurs in following settings (tick the false):
a. Accidental traumatic civilian injuries such as compound fractures
b. Penetraling war wounds;
c. Surgical wounds particularly after bowcl or biliary tract surger>'; As complication of food poisoning.
68. "Red strawberry tongue" is a characteristic sign in:
@ scarletfever
b. measles
c. chicken pox
d. infectious mononucleosis
69. Antibiotics safe to use in pregnant n omen are:
a. Tetracyclines
c. Aminoglycosides
d. Polimyxines
70. Wbich disease can not be transmitted by arthropods:
a. Lyme disease
b. Yellow fever
c. Anaplasmosis fi ToxopIasmosis