for thrilling listening. Mercury has cone all out in thc recording herc and this is suj>cr-latively ctcan, \vcll balanccd sound, of twccp-tional frcqucncy ranne and c.\trcmc dynamie compass. If you are thc owner of a big system, thc opening passages of thc “Ut-menl,” with an enormous bass drum, will make your hair stand up! I can’t recom-mend this one too highly. Jusl wish I had bcen senl thc stereo vcrsion, which must be shattering!
TliliANDOT (iłompiele Opera) Itenala Trbulcli, Ingę Horkb, Mario ilel .Monaru, oiher >ol«»i>ls and (ilioriis and OrehoMra of Aradem i u di Santa Oriliu, Home, rondiielrd l»y Albedo Erede. U»n-don Stereo (ISA 1.108. !Viee $17.85.
London is justly famous for its o|x*ra reeordings and Ihis one of Puccinis e.\otic “Turandot" is quite magnificent. The cast, and most espccially the principals. are of un-<|uestioned authority. Tebaldi as l.iu is most effectivc, Del Monaro as thc impassioned Cala! is in cery good voice and only occa-sionally does he let his power run away and start to Ik‘IIow. Borkh is tremendous as Turandot and affords an cxquisitc |>ortrayal. She skips up and down the octaces in her difticułt role without the least sign of strain.
Again thc London cngincers havc given us a sound equal in stature to the cast and have used stereo to its fullcst. No static deploy-ment of forccs herc! The singers movc alłout the stage in their accustomed ways and thus you hear them disposcd both lett and right and stage center and in depth as well. The Italance achicved betwcen vocal and orchcs-tral sections is super!). Kxccpt for a verv lew times when the chorus apjnars slightly too distant. evervthine is heard with precise articulation.
The scorc ahounds in tricky quasi-oricntal ellects and London has given us a recording of e.Nceptional frequcncv and dynamie rangę with which to cnjoy these exotic souiuls. An outstanding achieecment in o|K*ra recording and convincing ccidencc that stereo is thc only truły realislic format lor this medium.
<;keat ciioruses fkom “Flyin<;
Hayrenlh Fe»tivul Ebonit* and Orcli«*>tr;i
rondiirtcd l»v Wilhelm Pil/.. Deera IM*X
Stereo 7I20Ó0. Prirc $5.93.
Herc is a rccord obviously produced lor
the avid Wagnerite. hut which should also
find favor with thosc who likc the sound of
a superbly traincd choir. The Word lor this
sound is BIG. It is hugely proportioned and
richly resonant. perhaps for some tastes a
mite too much so . . . The miking used was
of thc rather distant typc preferred by
. Deutsche Grammophon, so that a very
rounded literał representation of Ilu* hall
acoustics is afforded. This does add a linę
sense of stereo depth but somewhat at the
CNponse of articulation in the chorus. No
matter . . . the musie is glorious . . . thrill-
ing, and givcs one at least a smali sacoring
of what it must be likc* to hear W agner at
Yienna Stale Opera Orchestra eoildiicled by Anton Paulik. Yangnard Stereo Demon»tration SRY-3SD. Pricc $2.98.
Herc is anotlicr ot \’nnnintrd‘s linę stereo demo records, an est>eciallv good dcal at the Iow pricc. Not bing murh nced be said for thc musie as it is among the most universallv
Ocłober, 1909
AM-FM Tuner $224.95*
Wide-Band FM...Wide-Range AM Make These WorlcTs Most Sensitive, Most Selective Tuners!
The completely separate FM section of the radically ncw H. H. Scott 330D stereo tuner utilizes H. H. Scott’s exclusive Wide-Band FM circuitry to assure absolutely drift-free and interfercncc-free rcccption in cven the weakest signal areas. Wide-Band design also lets you separate stations so close together on thc dial that ordinary tuners would pass them by. The separate AM section utilizes H. H. Scott’s unique Wide-Range detector so that, for the first time, you can receive fuli rangę AM broadcasts with fidelity and frequency response comparable to FM. Special multiplex adaptor facilities let you convert to multiplex at any time.
The many finc fca-tures built into this supcrlativc tuner* including Widc-Rangc AM and Wide-Band FM,
havc ncver been availablc before for less than S200. This tuner is ideał whcrc AM-FM stereo rcccption is not availabłc. SI39.95*
This profcssional tuner is thc most sensitivc and selcc-tivc availablc. Its outstanding performance and scnsitivity havc madę it thc choicc of uniccrsitics and laboratorics Ihroughoul thc world. Scn'itivity |.5 for 20 db of ąuieting. (IMFM rating 1 Mv) SI74.95*
I ‘Slightly hightf Wist ot Rockit*. Acctuory cm eitra.
f H.H. S<oM. Hic. II! Po*d»imiJI Rowl. Dwtf. CW-ia Mm.
Rush me ncw catalog and eomplcte tcchnical spe-cifications on all ncw H. H. Scott componcnts.
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