1 (183)

1 (183)

Spy Circuits

Strona 44 z 46

Field Strength Meter Mk II Kit


1-100R 1 -330R 1 -470R 1 -1k

4    - 4k7 1 - 10k 1 - 47k

1    -100k

2    -1 M

1    -2M2

2    - 47p ceramics 2 - 100p ceramics 2 - 1n ceramics

1 - 100n mono-block capacitor 1 - 4 - 40p air trimmer

1    - 47u 16v PC mount electroiytic

2    - 1N 4148 diodes

5    - BC 547 transistors 1 - PN 3563 transistor 4 - 3mm red LEDs

1 - SPDT slide switch

1 - paper clip for pointer on trimmer 1 - 5cm enameiled wire for antenna

1    - 10cm tinned wire for batteries

2    - 3v lithium cells

1 - FSM Mkll PC board

Field Strength Meter Mkll PC board


Ail the components fit on the board, with the two lithium cells at the end.

The overlay shows where the parts are placed and it's a simple matter to fit everything close to the board. If tl the components are left too long, the Circuit will give a different gain to our prototype and not work properly, si neat.

The transistors, diodes and LEDs must be placed around the correct way and not overheated, otherwise the t their gain and the LEDs will lose their brightness.

Bend the paper clip into an "L" shape. Do not cut it with side cutters as the metal is very hard and will damag?


mk:@MSITStore:F:\spy circuits.chm::/SpyCircuits-l.html


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