Electronics Circuit: Simple FM Transmitter

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Simple FM TanaWto G° gle

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Simple FM Transmitter



Adt by Gooflit Circuits    Scrxmaoc Dagram    MiH-otcn

Adt by GoogitAds by Gooote LED Circuit Osciilators Senes Crcu«S*nrte Circmt

Th« Circuit is • simple rwo trarmtor (2N2222) FM transmitter No licenta is raqyred for thi* transmitter accordng to FCC ragdaticm regardng weelats nrtcrophonet tf power ad by a 9 vc* battary and usad wlh an ant en na no bngar than 12 inches. tha transmittar wl ba wkhln tha FCC Kmita Tha rracrophone & ampfifiad by 01.02. CS, and L1 form an oscillator that o par a t es in the 80 to 130 MHz ranga. The oscillator is vołtage cortrolad. so * is modulated by the audo sagnal that is appłied to the base of Q2 R6 limes the input to the RF section. and ifs value can be ad^usted as nacessary to lim* tha uofcme of tha input LI and C6 can ba mada w*h vnra and a pand Tha inductor (U) is mada by windng tv/o pieces of 24 gauge insutated wire lad side by side. aroind a pencil sk times Remove the coi you have formed and unscrew tha two co4s a part from each other. Ona of these cods (tha better lookng of the two) will be usad n tha tank Circuit and tha othtr can ba usad m tha nad ona you bu4d Tha antanna (24 gauga wra) shoiid be sołdered to the coi you madę about 2 tum up from the bodom, on the transistor s.óe. and shodd be 8-12 nches long To make C6. taka a 4 mch pieca of 24 gauga insuMad włra. band it ow double and. begming 1/2** from tha o pen end twist tha wir# as if you wara formng a ropa When you hava about 1* of hvisted wire. stop and cut tha iooped end off. Ieavng about 1/2" of twisted wre (thrs forms the capacitor) and 1/2* of urtv/isted wre for teads.

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