31 outdoor games1

31 outdoor games1


Food Pyramid Bean Bag Tbss

Skills: Gross Motor Skills, Knowledge of the Food Pyramid, Naming Foods from tiie Pyramid Activity:

Use chalk to draw the USD A Food Pyramid on the pavement outside (refer to page 64 if necessary). For very young children, draw a few items from each category in the appropriate section so the children may recognize the group without having to read.


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Tf a paved arca is not available for drawing, use a marker to draw the pyramid on a piece of posterboard. Gather a few bean bags and explain to the children that they will take tums tossing a bean bag onto the pyramid. The tosser is to take a look at Lhe section where the bean bag landed, then name the food category and one food that belongs in the category. If a bean bag should land outside the pyramid, allow the chi Id additional tosses until his bean bag lands on a section of the pyramid.


Popper On

Skills: Listening, Gross Motor Skills Activity:

Gather the children and choose one ehild to be the “Popcorn Popper.” Explain that all of the other children will be popping popcorn. Have the popper stand with her back to the group and have the group stand behind a starting linę ahout 20' from the popper, Explain that when she says, “Popper on," they are to jump towards her like popping popcorn. But when she says, “Popper off,” they are to stop jumping and hołd their positions. The popper is to turo around righl afler she says, “Popper off.” If the popper spies a child moving, that child must return to lhe starting linę. The first child to touch the popper becomes the popper in the next gamę.

**, Carnon-TMWMA Publ. CU-0819 31


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