_ Michoe) Kuhne, DB6NT: 12 GHz LO
9. M on tu helix-filteis
10. Mount scmiconductors
Apply + 12 V. Minimise voltage a test point Ml by means of varying ihe 6 pF trimmer.
Adjust hetix FI by minimising the voltage at test point M2. In a similar way filters F2 and F3 are adjusted by observing voltages at M3 and M4.
The bias pots of the CaAs-Fets can be put into center position. Some output power on 12 GHz -hould be obsewable. Afterwards an individual ptimisation of the FET bias can be perfbrmed.
As a finał step the ery stal freqcncy can be adjusted hy means of a frequency counter.
(1) Michacl Kuhne, DB 6 NT "LO fur 24 und 47 GHz". DUBUS TECHNIK Buch 3 Seite 149
(2) Uwe Nitschke. DF 9 LN ", LO - 2556 MHz SMD/llelix" 1.91
(3) Uwe Mischke, DF9 LN," OCXO DF9 LN-1\
Private Coramunication
I.citcrplAlten und Baus&tze/PCBs nnd kits:
EISCH electmnic. Abt-Ulrieh-Str.16, 89079 ULM - Gógglingen. Td: 07305,<23208, FAX:
Fcrtigc Baugruppen/Ready madę units:
KUHNE electmnic, Birkenweg 15, 95119 NAI-A/Hólle, Td: 09288/8232, FAX: 09288/1768
13 DUBUS 2/1996
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