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4 72
4 72
Figurę 4-72
Upper intercostal stretch (Draping option #2)
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9 5 Figurę 9-5 Stripping of rectus femoris (Draping option 5)
9 7 Figurę 9-7 Stripping of vastus lateralis (Draping option 4)
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9 8 Figurę 9-8 Cross-fiber friction of the patellar tendon (A) and ligament (B) (Draping option 4)
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4 41 Figurę 4-41 Compression of infraspinat js (Draping option #7)
4 59 Figurę 4-59 Fascial work on the chest (3) with the hand (Drapingi option #2)
4 62 Figurę 4-62 Fascial work on the chest (5) with a female cHent with developed breasts (Draping o
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