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Figurę 4-11 Treatment of pectoralis minor in supine position (Draping option #3)
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4 14 Figurę 4-14 Sidelying treatment of pectoralis minor from be-nind Client from starting position
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4 3 Figurę 4-3 Stripping of subclavius in sitting position (Draping option #16)
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4 8 Figurę 4-8 Comoression of pectoralis major in a female Client: medial interior portion (A), late
4 8 Figurę 4-8 Compression of pectoralis major in a female Client: medial interior portion (A), late
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Pectoralis minor m. (in phantom view deep to major) Pectoralis major Deltoid m.- attaching to d
4 70 Figurę 4-70 Stripping massage of intercostals in a female Client (Draping option #2)
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9 2 Figurę 9-2 Stripping of vastus medialis wirth the fingertips (Draping option 4)
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8 9 =igure 8-9 Compression of attachment of psoas major to esser trochanter (Draping option 5)__
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