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8 9
8 9
igure 8-9
Compression of attachment of psoas major to
esser trochanter (Draping option 5)
Podobne podstrony:
8 4 Figurę 8-4 Compression of psoas major (Draping option 5)
8 6 Figurę 8-6 Compression of psoas major from opposite side of Client (Draping option 5)
8 8 Figurę 8-8 Compression of psoas major with Client standing bent forward (Draping: underwear or s
8 39 Figurę 8-39 Compression of obturator externus through the groin (Draping option 5)
8 2 Contraction force Forward (anterior) rotation of pelvis Figurę 8-2 Influence of psoas major on a
P5140047 ~ Anplic^ion of psoas major basie Option , strip- Kinesio Taping &nb
4 8 Figurę 4-8 Compression of pectoralis major in a female Client: medial interior portion (A), late
9 8 Figurę 9-8 Cross-fiber friction of the patellar tendon (A) and ligament (B) (Draping option 4)
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7 20 Figurę 7-20 Stretch of quadratus lumborum with the hand (Draping option 1)
9 2 Figurę 9-2 Stripping of vastus medialis wirth the fingertips (Draping option 4)
9 6 Figurę 9-6 Stripping of vastus lateralis with the fingertips (Draping option 4>
8 10 2 Psoas minor lliopectineal arch lliacus Inguinal ligament Attachment to lesser trochanter of
M psoas major?x (C) Department of Anatemy center of Bfosfrucfure Reasearch Medfcaf Unńrerśity
img0157 Prengal Surina publishes his uniyersal law of physics. Major advances in hive birching bring
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