

T” o k* m-j\-L_ i hes


Musical Instrument* Kil

thcie panem dttuh ihould be utai to coojułctMi with ihe term- A l.incł General bturoetson theet

"Om u    teing ihe ncc&e (łom ihe huk ef ibe m«V Oewith *o Om freee

t»«    “ meMtt uU ihe «oJV fretn tbe fijbe ode o*lbf ««V OmoujJi (oiie hwk

On m*n> win* c4 iho drugn tera* balet are ml moee Oau orne

» <*>•**! C MW l> I Oru|M


Backititch around ihe nuin pul of the wroll ttaoing nt A ar>J ceeHinuing around back 10 A uwag Ihe ilhntralion » a guide.

Iben out al B m U C OutaiOtnatC Backtlileh around the wroll o* WoA Ihe oeher »ide of the wroll la • timiUr »i)'.

Tuning pegs llackstitch Ihe timing pegt uting the ilhiUrMion at a guide. Thcn out al Aa ut al Ub


Mailing al tłic ihouldcr. Ornat EinatF Oa< al Ci m al >1 Om al I in al I

Continue thw wijurtwc around the body Stud> (hc dopiffl al the oart of wała for the \1tlchag *cqucnce al thia potni Continue to the ołher ahoulder al out at K m «L

Sound hok Out at M m al N Out at O a at I’

Ow m N ot at Q (one inne thia tcqucncc until the tound hołe coenpktc

Worl the other tound hole in a tónilar w «y.

Tallpicce Out al V la al W Front uitch from

V    to X

Front >Mch from

Y    to W Chin ml

Out al a in al b Out at< utai d Out at e m al f Continue thia tetjueoce down to out at it hi at h I inpcrb.\i/d Out at * in at A Out at > in at / Outataioaf / at 2

Out at I a at 3 ncar the tuninjt pcp.

Out at 4 in al $

Out al 6 a al 5 Wori the ceher two

Ihctc Fotm-A-laca imtiuctwm are coparight 0 2003 Dl OeufiM ud bu) ma l« ntrafacnl wdml praiiuai Publithcd S Card Itupiratkai Ir-a Ilill Fatm. lewa. Iletta ALA OU.. UK Tel 0143* 717000 FAX 0I43*7I74T7

Hndce and atrmga Outat KaatS Out at R in at T Out al U in al T Out at I on the bod je a


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