These paltem details shoutd be uted in conjunction wilh iSc l onr.-A-Lir.ct General Initntction shecl.
"O.t it...” imim bri>ł the oeedk fron ihe bał. of the werk ibrcogh to <ir. fioM neiM tikc ».< nfcdlc frosr. lit rif;łn Kde of Ok «v«k ttrwijh »Ihe S jck
Kood anil Wliecls Ou*. at I in ot 2 Oio. at 3 in at •»
Out at 5 in at 6 Continue until complcted. Contplelc cach' trianglc separateły. The numbcf paltem it tho\vn for the lir« trianglc on the hoixl and complcted should lic movcd nround and rcpcatcd for (rianglcs 2 and 3. (5 Jole No. 7 will always bc al slie top riglit hand comcr of the trianglc.)
Body of Prain
Backstitch the oullinc of the prani inctuding oullining tl>e hroJ.
Boidcr Ribbon Bow
Om at A in at I) Altach the ribbon bow in dcsired
Om at C in at D colour with a smali spot of gli»e.
Om a: E in at F
Continue umil complcted.
N'ote - as the threads pass octom the ftop.t therc łrc always fonr holes betwcen whece the necdle cotnes otit and goes in - also the holes arc uscd (wice.
"Iłesc roem-A-t.iriej initrocckm irt copyright C Wft Cłfd iMpiftfkcł i?J r.iv not be rr prodiKtd wi-S.^l permltskn.
Piiblńhfd by CuJ Irdpirationi Tewin Hill Fam. Teuin. Hem AL6 OLU UK. TdtOHM 7|7WOFAX:OMJJ 717(7?