



c?4 sts + 1. base cham)

wwr-a A^oreviation w**- : crossed double crochets) = skip jto next st, 1ch, 1dc into first of working back over last dc page 12 — Crossed Stitch I).

Sfcp 3ch (count as 1dc). "work next 3ch. 1dc into next ch; rep yid. turn.

3cń (count as 1dc). 1dc into first *1dc into next ch, work 2Cdc coc. rep from * ending 1dc into 1dc. 2dc into top of tch, turn. count as 1dc). skip 1 st. ‘work next 3dc, 1dc into next ch: rep nę -ast rep into top of tch. turn. 3rd rows.





Kfesaddle Cluster State h

5 sts + 1.

base cham)

nption of dc4tog see page

k '■se rnto 2nd ch from hook. ‘3ch, next 4ch. 1 ch. 1 sc into next ch; r> end. turn.

ser, 1sc into next cluster. *3ch. nto next 3ch arch, 1ch. 1sc into ^epfrom * ending 3ch. dc4tog 3cn arch. 1dc into last sc, skip

"er skip 1 st, 1sc into next CL. next 3ch arch. 1ch. Iscinto •rom * ending last rep with 1 sc turn.

3rd rows.

Crossed Cluster Stitch

Multiple of 8 sts + 4.

(add 1 for base cham)

Special Abbreviation

x. 2CC (2 crossed clusters) = skip 1 st. into next st work ‘(yo. insert hook. yo. draw loop througnj twice. yo. draw through all 5 loops on hook; rep from * into st just skipped working over previous cluster.

1st row (wrong side). Skip 2ch (count as

1    sc). 1 sc into next and each ch to end. turn.

2nd row: 3ch (count as 1dc). skip 1 st. ‘2CC over next 2 sts. ide into each of next

6    sts. rep from * to last 3 sts. 2CC over next

2    sts. 1dc into tch. turn.

3rd row: 1ch (counts as 1sc), skip 1 st. 1sc into next and each st to end. working last st into top of tch. turn.

4th row: 3ch (counts as 1dc). skip 1 st. 1dc into each of next 4 sts. ‘2CC over next 2 sts. 1 dc into each of next 6 sts; rep from ’ to last

7    sts. 2CC over next 2 sts. ide into each of last 5 sts, working last st into tch. turn.

5th row: As 3rd row

Rep 2nd, 3rd. 4th and 5th rows.

q OfttTtTttTT-rtTrrrrr 7 OtTTtTTTtTTTTtTTTtrt

5 OTtTtTT7 T T T T rt T-T ttr

3 OT TtTTttt r TT-f tTTTtt*


*| Qtt tTTX:t?TrtrrTt;>

Diagonal Shell Stitch

Multiple of 4 sts + 1. (add 1 for base cham)

Special Abbreviation Shell = (1sc, 3ch. 4dcl all into same st. Notę: For description of dc2tog see page 10 (Clusters).

1st row (right side): Work 1 Shell into 2nd ch from hook. ‘skip 3ch, 1 shell into next ch; rep from * to last 4ch. skip 3ch,'' 1 sc into last ch, turn.

2nd row: 3ch (count as 1dc), skip 1 st, ‘skip 1dc, over next 2 sts work dc2tog. 3ch, skip 1dc, 1sc into top of 3ch; rep from * to end. turn.

3rd row: 1ch. 1 Shell into first st, *skip 3ch and next st, 1 Shell into next sc: rep from * ending skip 3ch and next st. 1sc into top of tch. turn.

Rep 2nd and 3rd rows.

Sidesaddle Shell Stitch

Multiple of 6 sts + 1.

(add 3 for base cham)

Special Abbreviation

Shell = 3dc. 1ch. [1sc. 1hdc, 1 dej all into

side of last of 3dc just madę.

1st row (wrong side): Skip 3ch (count as 1 dc). 3dc into next ch. skip 2ch, 1 sc into next ch. ‘skip 2ch. Shell into next ch. skip 2ch. 1 sc into next ch; rep from * to last 3ch. skip 2ch, 4dc into last ch. turn.

2nd row: 1ch (counts as 1sc), skip 1 st. ‘skip next 3 sts. Shell into next sc, skip 3 sts. 1sc into next ch sp; rep from * ending last rep with 1sc into top of tch. turn.

3rd row: 3ch (count as 1dc). 3dc into first st, skip 3 sts. 1sc into next ch sp, ‘skip 3 sts. Shell into next sc. skip 3 sts, 1sc into next ch sp; rep from ’ ending skip 3 sts, 4dc into tch. turn.

Rep 2nd and 3rd rows.




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