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fepmcnprc ~ :* cc ro and dc/rf see typhiuw:    :~es -or dc2tog and

* 2 .Custers).

Stop 3ch. dc2tog over ItBUi riB a- ::3*cg * 1 dc mto each KlD* Ir* :cc ntonextch, 1dc W Ticir 5::r •* ccStog over next * ~    ' . as* rep at * ‘ when

HM'    lum

^:i st dc/rb2tog over ■MMI ssuns as c: m3tog). *1 dc/rf En Tfnc5:rs 2dc ich. 2dcl into KiUhr.-T »:•.-ceach of next 5 sts' *. |i«i* t»!«: 5 s*s 'ep from * end *r,en 3 sts remain.

£ dc/rf2tog over next »og). * 1dc/rb round i 1ch, 2dc] into next acr of next 5 sts**, sc rep from * ending :s remain. dc/rf3tog,


jf sc rf and sc/rb see *es).

1st row (wrong side): Skip 2ch (count as 1hdc), 1hdc into each ch to end. tum. 2nd row: 1 ch, 1 sc into first st, * 1 sc/rf round next st. 1 sc/rb round next st; rep from * ending 1sc into top of tch, tum.

3rd row: 2ch (count as 1hdc), skip first st. 1hdc into next and each st to end, skip tch. tum.

4th row: 1 ch. 1 sc into first st. * 1 sc/rb round next st. 1 sc/rf round next st; rep from * ending 1sc into top of tch. turn.

5th row: As 3rd row.

Rep 2nd, 3rd. 4th and 5th rows.

Crinkle Stitch II

Worked as Crinkle Stitch I. but using wrong side of fabric as right side.

Crossed Ripple Stitch

Multiple of 3 sts + 2.

(add 1 for base Chain)

Notę: For description of dc/rf see page 11 (Raised Stitches).

1 st base row (wrong side); 1 sc into 2nd ch from hook. 1sc into each ch to end, turn.

2nd base row: 3ch (count as 1 dc), skip first st. *skipnext2sts, 1dc into next st, 1ch, 1dc back into first of 2 sts just skipped — called Crossed Pair; rep from ‘ ending 1dc into last st, skip tch, turn.

Commence Pattern

1st row: 1 ch. 1sc into first st, 1sc into next and each st and each ch sp to end working last st into top of tch, turn.

2nd row: As 2nd base row, except as 2nd st of each Crossed Pair work 1 dc/rf loosely round first st of corresponding Crossed Pair 2 rows below.

Rep these 2 rows.

5 OZ

3 o;

ft +    + ++- h + t- + + t + -t-t- t-M-f

Leafhopper Stitch

Multiple of 4 sts + 1.

(add 2 for base Chain)

Special Abbreviation

A LCL (Leafhopper Cluster) = ł[yo, insert hook at front and from right to left behind stem of st before next st, yo. draw loop through and up to height of hdcl twice. yo, draw through 4 loops* *. skip next st. rep from * to * * round stem of next st. ending yo, draw through all 3 loops on hook.

1st row (wrong side): Skip 3ch (count as 1 dc). 1 dc into next and each ch to end, turn. 2nd row: 3ch (count as 1dc), skip first st. 1 dc into next st. * 1 LCL over next st. 1 dc into each of next 3 sts; rep from * omitting 1dc from end of last rep, turn.

3rd row: 3ch (count as 1dc), skip first st. 1dc into next and each st to end. working last st into top of tch. turn.

4th row: 3ch (count as 1dc), skip first st. * 1 dc into each of next 3 sts. 1 LCL over next st; rep from * ending 1dc into each of last 4 sts, working last st into top of tch. turn. 5th row: As 3rd row.

Rep 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th rows.



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