Filet Crochet

rilet Crochet Lace

Far help with making Filet Crochet Lace ■kres from squared charts please reter to Crochet with Charts’, page 18.

□ = space (2ch)

(“i = bar M= lacet 3 = błock

3reek Key Frieze

Base Row

Multiple of 3 sts per square + 1 Pattern Repeat = 22 squares

wmm w-mmZ

Southern Cross

i zse Row

■Lipie of 3 sts per square + 1 Palem Repeat = 12 squares

Blocks and Lacets

Base Row

Multiple of 3 sts per square + 1 Pattern Repeat = 8 squares wide by 2 squares deep





ple of 3 sts per square + 1 •'n Repeat = 8 squares

Hint: Larger items, such as curtams and bedspreads. can easily be madę in Filet. Work a smali piece of alternate blocks and spaces to ascertam ;ne number of blocks and rows to the inch. From that you can calculate tne number of squares you will need in Filet to cover the area you reauire anc this can then be drawn onto graph paper. Any of the designs suggested here can then be added. eitner sręy or in repeats. or you can design your own exclusive pattern’


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