

Yocabulary Practice

A. Completion. Complete the information with the correct form of words from the box. One word is extra.






fir F3 tornado sets down in a field.






A tornado is a column of quickly rotating air that rcachcs from thc clouds all thc way to thc ground bclow. Likc thcir big sistcrs, thc tropieni cydones, tornadoes are formed

iii upward-moving, wami and 1._air. Also likc tropical cyclones,

tornadoes pro duce strong winds that 2._around a center of

Iow prcssurc. Although tornadoes are much smali er rhan tropical cyclones—thc largest bcing about four kilomctcrs across—their winds can be as fast as 480 kph.

You can’t always see a tornado, but it becomes a ffightening dark color when it pulls

dirt 3.___from thc ground. The power of tornadoes is expressed on

a scalę from F0 io F5. An FO, with wind speeds up to 110 kph, might damage signs, while a tornado with wind speeds of about 420 to 480 kph can blow houses ovcr,

4._as an F5.

Many tornadoes dcvclop from dangerous, long-livcd thunderstorms called supercells that are between 10 and 16 kilomctcrs across. Supcrcclls can ćreate tornadoes one affer

another in a repeating 5._, in which a ncw tornado forms where the

prcvious one dics.

In thc United States tornadoes are to 6._for a number of dcaths

evcry year, sometimes totaling in thc hundreds, The National Weather Scrvicc

attempts to 7._tornadoes and wams people when they start to form.

They advise people to stay in a basement, closet, or bathroom. Howevcr,

8._storni researchers sometimes approach within just meters of

tornados to collect information using a(n) 9._of methods that

include compurers, video cameras, and their own obscrvations. The 1996 movie Twister was about sucb hrave researchers.

B. Definitions. Use the correct form of words in the box in A to complete the definitions.

1.    If something_as something, it has all the

features necessary to be that thing.

Word Partnership

2.    If you_a person or thing for something

bad, you believe that they are responsible for it.

Uss qualify with: q jalify as something, qjalify for something, fail to qjalify

3.    A(n)_is a series of event$ that is

repeated again and again in the same order.

4. _means relating to a person’s work,

especially work that reguires special training.

5.    When something_, it turns with a circular movement.

6.    A(n)_of things is a mixture of them.

5B Superśtorm 73


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