
3 Correct the sentences.

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

will or going to and the verbs In brackets.

1    Are you tired? I__(take) you


2    I    (watch) a DVD

tonight. Do you want to come round?

3    What .    you    (wear)

for your first day at work?

4    We haven't got any sugar. I    (get)

some In town later.

5    Look at the time! We    (be) late.

6    Oh no! That cydist (hit) the black dog!

7    I_(see) you later!

8 _ _ you _    _(ask) hlm

round fordlnner?


2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

wake do spend eat

sleep have exerclse

1    l get red spots If 1

2    if he


time he yisits his

grandparents on Sundays.

3 Ifltralns, 1

any work in the


4 Ifmymum

me up, 1

sleep too long!

5 Ifhe

every day he

puts on weight. 6 Do you

well If you have a hot

drink before bed?

7 Ifi have money. 1


m m

1 I may to be late home this evening.

2 They rnight staying with us for a week next sum mer.

3 He not mlght pass the exam. He didn't study very hard.

4 They mlght go not on hotlday this year. They haven*t got much money.

5 It could to raln at the weekend.



4 Complete the sentences with the correct words

in the box.

mobile digltal DVD satellite games

1    I can get on the Internet with my new


2    Our    recorder is very useful.

Soon everyone will have one.

3    My parents bought me a_

console and now l*m very popular with my friends!

4    My    camera takes great plctures.

5    The problem with    IV is that ifs

difficult to choose what to watch!



O Oxfond Uniwłitjr

Matura Solutions Pre-Inte*radiate Tests 1

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