Complete thc dialogues bclow with thc correct form of thc verb to be (być) in thc Present Simple Kuse.


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Exercise 1

1.    A:..................you a beauty therapist?

B: Yes, I ...................I ..............a qualified beauty


2.    A:..................you good at your job?

B: Yes, I...................I..................highly skiUcd.

3.    A:..................you a make-up aróst?

B: No,...................I..................a massage therapist.

4.    A:..................Mary and Betty manicunsts?

B: No, they...................They ..................chiropodists.

5.    A: .................they fully qualified specialists?

B: Yes, they...................They .............nutlitionists by


6.    A:................Sandra a fitness uainer?

B: No, she...................She..................a beauty theraptst.

7.    A:..................your beauty studio in Warsaw?

B: Yes, it..................in the centrc of Warsaw.

8.    A: ...\S.............die studio opcn on Saturdays?

B: Yes, it...-...............open from 9 to 16 on Saturday.

9.    A:..................thert enough room in the Studio to work ef-


B: Yes, thcre .»*.*............ cnough room for clients and for


10.    A:....~............the interior of the studio nicc?

B: Yes, it .................. well designed and nicely arranged. It

..................not noisy. It..„..............calm.

Exercise 2

Complete the minitexts with the correct Present Sintple Tuue form of thc vcrb in brackets.

1.    The studio. ..............a fuli rangę of cosmedc trcatmcnts. ((fiu)

W:..................our dients with a widc rangę of advxe and trcat-

ment. (um)Vk ...........highly qualificd spcdalists. (emp/oy)

2.    I .................. professional piess regulatly (read) and I ......

.............to professional petiodicals. (mbunbe) I..................

to keep up to datę. (mmi) I.................the offered dterapiet

(iwprwt) I .................. all novclties in beauty treatments and

..................them to my proccdurcs. (foliom; add)

3.    Sandra..................a beauty studia fAawrJShe..................in

this studio as a beauty therapist. (werk) The studio    .........

a wtde rangę of beauty therapists. (tup/oy)'Yhey..................the

dients of the studio with thcii xdvice and treatmenL (term) They

.................. dipłomas and they ................. ątperiencc.


4.    Jack .................. as a beauty therapist. (not werk) He ......

............ a dipkmia. (ml ban) He ___________ as a nutndonist

(werk) He • ................ all dcvelopmcnts in nutiition. (Joikmi) He

..................coffce to dients. (noturn) He..................them

advjce on nutntion. (offtr)

5.    Nina..................her job. (not Ukt) She..................to be a

manicurist (net mmt) She.................good in this job (notfeel)

She .................a stnile on her face. (iM»*tr)Sbc..................

her bcst to do a good job (not do)

Exercise 3

Complete the minidialogues with do, does, don'l, doesu'1. Practisc qucsrions and answerS in the Present Slupie Jinse.

1.    A:..................you rcad professional press, Ewa?

B: Yes, 1.................. 4    ..

A: What dtles ....«............>ou rcad regulatiy?

B: I rcad “Kosmetyka i kosmetologia”.

2.    A;..................you follow all the devdopments and novcłdes,

• Sandra?

B: Yes, I.—............


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