1.1 Local Area Networks

The type of Computer network to be studied in 1.1 is a single isolated LAN with no connection to any other networks. For example, a smali office network. The LAN could be used for file serving/sharing, print sharing, application serving, internal e-mail, CDROM sharing, intranet.


Stations (network interface)

Servers (file, print, application, internal communication, intranet)

Passive components (cable - UTP/coax/fibre, connections - plugs/sockets) Active components (repeaters, hubs, switches)


Node/link (effect of failure)


Bus (terminator)




Network Operating System Client



General concepts of protocols Ethernet (CSMA/CD)

Addressing (MAC)



file serving/sharing print sharing application serving internal e-mail CDROM sharing intranet Security


User ID/Username Password Accounting File access control


Protocol (eg TCP/IP)



1.2 Local Area Internetworks

The type of Computer network to be studied in 1.2 consists of two or morę close Local Area Networks connected together. It has suitable hardware, software and a protocol to permit data to flow between the networks. This type of internetwork may simply consist of two LANs in a building or campus linked together. For example, a school or college network. This type of


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