Stage 1 - Outcome 2
Describe the characteristics of Computer networks and internetworks
1.1 Local Area Networks
1.2 Local Area Internetworks
1.3 Wide Area Networks and Wide Area Internetworks
1.4 Networking Modes
1.5 Standards
1.6 Contemporary examples Stage 2 - Outcome 1
Describe the applications and benefits of Computer networks
2.1 Developments - economic factors
2.2 Developments - technical factors
2.3 Benefits and applications
2.4 Social, ethical and legał implication
Stage 3 - Outcome 3
Use the facilities provided by a Computer network
3.1 Characteristics
3.2 Facilities
3.3 Network etiquette
3.4 Security and legał reąuirements
Stage 4 - Outcome 4
Investigate an aspect of internetworking
4.1 Investigative strategy
4.2 Report
Computing Support Materials: Computer Networking (H)