
“sc mto first st, skip 2ch, 5ch arch, 5dc into next of next 5dc, 5ch, 1sc into mto next sc, 1sc into # ending 5ch, 1sc into

as 1 dc), 2dc into first 3ch arch, 5dc mto next sc, 5dc. 5ch, 1sc into next 3rd of next 5dc, 5dc into “ ending 1 sc into next arch, sxip tch, turn.

first st, ’5dcinto next 5dc, [5ch, 1sc into 5ch 1sc into 3rd of next 5dcinto next sc. 1sc

as 1dc), 2dc into first next 5dc, 5dc into next aren, [5ch, 1sc into next next sc; rep from * end* ^ext 5dc. 3dc into last sc,

first st, ’5ch, 1 sc into fc nto next sc, 1 sc into r*o next arch, 5dc into o' next 5dc; rep from tnto top of tch, turn.

next 5ch arch, 5ch, Sdc. 5dc into next sc. dc nto next sc, 1 sc into * ending 5ch, 1sc * dc mto last sc, skip tch,

f rst st, skip 2ch, 5ch, 5ch, 1sc into 3rd of -e r sc, 1sc into 3rd of next arch] twice* *, rep from * end* arch. turn.

& VT/    V v //-o 3

1st row (right side); 1sc into 2nd ch from hook, 1sc into each ch to end. turn.

2nd row: 7ch, skip first 2 sts, 1sc into next st, *7ch, skip 3 sts, 1sc into next st; rep from * to last 2 sts. 3ch, skip 1 st, 1 dc into last st, skip tch, turn.

3rd row: 1ch, 1 sc into first st. *3ch, Iscinto next 7ch arch; rep from * to end, turn. 4th row: 1ch, 1sc into first st, ’3sc into next 3ch arch, 1 sc into next sc; rep from * to end, skip tch, turn.

Rep 2nd, 3rd and 4th rows.

Doubled Lattice Stitch

Multiple of 6 sts + 2.

(add 3 for base Chain)

Notę: For description of tr2tog see page 10. 1st row (right side): Skip 6ch, 1 tr into next ch (counts as edge cluster), 4ch, 1 tr into same ch as tr just madę. ’tr2tog inserting hook into next ch for first leg and then into following 5th ch for 2nd leg (skipping 4ch between), 4ch, 1 tr into same ch as 2nd leg of cluster just madę; rep from * to last 4ch, tr2tog inserting hook into next ch for first leg and into last ch for 2nd leg. (skipping 2ch between), turn.

2nd row: 6ch (count as Itr and 2ch), Itr into first st, ’tr2tog inserting hook into next tr for first leg and then into next cluster for 2nd leg”, 4ch. 1 tr into same place as 2nd leg of cluster just madę; rep from ’ ending last rep at ' * when 2nd leg is in edge cluster, 2ch, itr into same place, turn.

3rd row: 4ch. skip 2ch, 1 tr mto next cluster (counts as edge cluster), ’4ch, 1 tr into same place as tr just madę’ ’. tr2tog inserting hook into next tr for first leg and then into next cluster for 2nd leg; rep from ' ending last rep at ”, tr2tog inserting hook into next tr for first leg and then into following 3rd ch for 2nd leg, turn.

Rep 2nd and 3rd rows.

Crown Puff Lattice

Multiple of 6 sts + 1.

(add 2 for base Chain)

Notę: For description of sc2tog and sc3tog (see page 10) and for hdc5tog see page 14. 1st row (right side): 1hdc into 3rd ch from hook. ’1sc into next ch, sc3tog over next 3ch, Iscinto nextch. [1hdc, 1dc, 1hdc] into next ch; rep from ’ omitting 1hdc at end of last rep. turn.

2nd row: 3ch (count as 1 dc), skip first 3 sts, *11 tr, 3ch, 1 tr] into next sc cluster, skip 2 sts”. work hdc5tog into next dc; rep from * ending last rep at ”, 1dc into top of tch, turn.

3rd row: 1ch, skip 1 st, 1sc into next tr (all counts as sc cluster), *[1sc, 1hdc, 1dc, 1hdc. 1sc] into next 3ch arch”, sc3tog over next 3 sts; rep from ’ ending last rep at ”, sc2tog over last st and top of tch, turn.

4th row: 5ch (count as 1 tr and 1 ch), 1 tr into first st, *skip 2 sts, hdc5tog into next dc, skip 2 sts”. (1 tr, 3ch, 1 tr] into next sc cluster; rep from ’ ending last rep at ”, [ 1 tr, 1ch, 1 tr] into top of tch, turn.

5th row: 3ch (count as 1dc), 1hdc into first st, 1 sc into next ch sp, ’sc3tog over next 3 sts”. (1sc, 1hdc, 1dc, 1hdc, 1sc] into next 3ch arch; rep from ’ ending last rep at ”, 1 sc into next ch of tch, [1hdc, 1 dc] into next ch. turn.

Rep 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th rows.


. v L v



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