Base ring: Using A, 4ch, join with sl st. 1st round: 1ch, Iscinto ring, (4ch, Idtrinto ring, 4ch, 1sc into ring] 4 times omitting sc at end of last rep, sl st to first sc. Fasten off. 2nd round: Join B into same place, 11ch, skip 4ch, 1 sc into next dtr, * 7ch, skip 4ch * *, 1tr into next sc, 7ch, skip 4ch, 1sc into next dtr; rep from * twice morę and from * to * * again, sl st to 4th ch of 11ch. Fasten off. 3rd round: Join C into same place, 4ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into same place as 4ch, *1ch, 1sc into next arch, 1ch, work [2dtr, 2ch, 2dtr| into next sc, 1ch, 1sc into next arch, 1 ch * *, 3tr into next tr; rep from * twice morę and from * to * * again, sl st to top of 4ch. Fasten off.
4th round: Rejoin B into same place, 1ch, 1sc into same place as 1ch, 1sc into next and each ch and each st all round, except 3sc into each 2ch sp at corners, ending sl st to first sc. Fasten off.
5th round: Rejoin A into next sc, 6ch (count as 1 tr and 2ch), skip first 2sc, * 1 tr into next sc, 2ch, skip 1sc, 1 dc into next sc, 2ch, skip 1sc, 1hdc into next sc, 2ch, skip 1sc, 1sc into next sc, 2ch, skip 1sc, 1hdc into next sc, 2ch, skip 1sc, 1dc into next sc, 2ch, skip 1sc, 1tr into nextsc, 2ch, skip 1sc*\ 1 tr into next sc, 2ch, skip 1 sc; rep from * twice morę and from * to * * again, sl st to 4th ch of 6ch. 6th round: 1ch, into first st work a trefoil of 11 sc, 5ch, 1sc, 7ch, 1sc, 5ch, 1 sc). *|2sc into next 2ch sp, 1 sc into next st] twice, work a picot of Och, insert hook down through top of sc just madę and work sl st to close], [2sc into next 2ch sp, 1sc into next stl 4 times, picot, 2sc into next 2ch sp, 1sc into next st, 2sc into next 2ch sp* \ trefoil into
next st; rep from * twice morę and from * to * * again, sl st to first sc.
Fasten off.
Notę: For description of dc2tog and dc3tog see page 10.
Base ring: Using A, 8ch, join with sl st. 1st round: 1ch, 12sc into ring, sl st to first sc. (12 sts).
2nd round: 3ch, 1 dc into same place as 3ch (counts as dc2tog), [3ch, dc2tog into next stl 11 times, 3ch, sl st to first cluster.
3rd round: Sl st into each of next 2ch, 1ch, 1sc into same place as 1ch, |4ch. 1sc into next 3ch archi 11 times, 4ch, sl st to first sc.
4th round: 1ch, "|2sc, 3ch, 2sc] all into next 4ch arch; rep from * 11 morę times, sl st to first sc. Fasten off.
5th round: Join B into next 3ch arch, 3ch, dc2tog into same arch (counts as dc3tog), 4ch, dc3tog all into same arch, *(dc3tog, 4ch. dc3togl all into next 3ch arch; rep from * 10 morę times, sl st to first cluster.
6th round: 1ch, 1sc into same place as 1ch, *(2sc, 3ch. 2sc] all into next 4ch arch, skip next cluster * *, 1 sc into next cluster; rep from ‘ 10 morę times and from * to * * agam, sl st to first sc.
Fasten off.
1.2,3,4 - A 5,6 - B