

Stfam Traut pullmt    prrmAO pugt


OMilR.n<lX Out at Y in at X Out at V in at 7


Backttitch dem a to h BNJct

Out at V m M c Out at d In at c Out at f m at g Out at b in M i Out at j hi at l Out at h in at I OUM M m M n

Out at o ta M p Backttitch (rom k tu C


Hackeliacb ttOOl C to q BaekłttKh from r to c OM at i in at u Out *1 v utat «

Out at q m M c Out at q in M w Out at v m at p Out at \ in al w rtjkUtitch tkc sak * indów

Outaty mat aa Out at ah m at aa Out al ac id at ad Out at ac i" at ad OM al ar m at a!

Out at ac ia at af

Duflcr HI Out at ag ia at ah Out at ai m al aj Out alah in atak

Contim* thit tcąocmrc until tbc circlc w complcte. AU tbc hołcc

atr u*d n»XC

Stiaeh btaffct B2 ui th«


Frani KCtKut I Out at al m at am Out al l ta at an Out al an m at ap Out at aq ut at M OM at ac in at an Out al n ia al ao Out at n in at au

Out at at >n at at

Out at at Ut at »u Out at ac u* al av Oat al ap to at at

Wbeeh On cach w beri buckciitcb around tbc run and mich tbc cpetet utmu tbc limtbed lliuttratkui at a |tu)dc.

I>rivc tball Backttitch arounJ tbc drive tbaft ututc tbc ilUut/ation at a pu«łr Train chatttt Kacktlikh the chattit fruni a» to a\ and from •ytna/.

(arringe omdott Stikh tbc atadw

Slilch the »np and bonom uF tbc »indów ttm

Much tbc ceber windowe m a tamtlar ttay

C .image body Out al ca m al cb Out at CC tnal eh Out at cc matcd Slilch tbc other camoge bod*t in a umila/ w*y.

Carriage rooF

Kacktlikh (be carriage

roof front ratocf and from cg to eh.

Out at cg in at cf

Out at ci m at cli

Sutek tbc «bcr ren& in a umilar »i;

( amigc chattu Out al 1 in at 2 Out al X ia al 4 Out al 3 in at 5 Out at t> «n al 5 Ort at 6 to at 7 OM m 2 in ai 7

O at at 2 m at i

Out at 6 m al 3

Out at 7 to at t

Out at 6 m al 2

Sutek tbc other carriage

Chattit« a » umiar way.

On the end carriage

atitch OM at < in at 9


(hit al Tl mat 12 Out at 13 in at T4 Fn the tkread uttb Upc

Tbc® hack out al T4 in alTi

. • • •

I hece Fonu-A-Lanet intwuctiorec arc

copytigbl O 2002 D1 Drcignt and mac rut ba rcproduccd ucthotit pcrmieuuo FuMubed by Cerd Incpiralwnc Tom Hall Farm Tum. Iłem AL60LU UK Tal dliii 717000 FAX flltlt 717477


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