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Spcaking at Mediral Meelingi:

Anatoiuy of Ibe PracnlJtioo

A laik can bc dividcd inio scverul scctions or, lo usc a musical analogy, diffcrcnt “inovemenis“. There b a bcginning, a middlc an<J an cni. The ihrcad of purposc sliould bc carried elear ły throughout the pr cscniation, wiih inJicjlioiu along Ihc way of Ihc mam focus of (lic pnper and a closing “finale" in svhlch ihc speaker relums (o the nuin iheme oncc again. Also, w hen lite speaker needs lo mnve fiom one seciion to another, or evcn from one point lo another. ihere musi be somc signal lo (he bsteners (hal ihls shift is taking place.

Siudy ihc divbions of a prcsenlalion and liy lo ktenlify how ihe speaker marks (han ( or bib lo do so) by (lic Unguagc used. la llic foBowing poges (he language uscd in vnrious scctions of a laik b dcscribed in dciail.


l( is usuul lo grcct an amlience simply. Somc speakera tnay make a hwnoious commenl, bul if you ate ooi confidcnl aboui ihis (hen ii is beat lo avoid k. Tliank (he cłuikpereon, gicet your Ibtencra, Iben begin:

1.    Go od momlng

2.    Tliank you, Mr Cluirmon, and good aftemoon, ladies and gcntlcmcn

3.    Cd likc Grst of ali to thank lite organ bers of (his meeling for inviting me bere (his evcning.

Il is also a porticulir pleasure for mc to pay my lirst vish to lita beautifu! city.

Opening rtmarki

Tliis is Ihc point of dcporlure when ihc speaker inlroduccs the topie of tbe prcsenlalion. It is accepłablc lo cxpand hriefly on the lilie: bul wkhout gomg into dciail Any sligbl changcs which luve becn madę lo ihc lilie or Iheme of Ihc paper shoukl be introduccd herc.

1.    Tbe tkłe of my prcscmaiion is...

2.    i'd likc lo laik today aboui...

3.    My lopic today a _.

A. My subject loday b...

It is imporUnt at ihc bcginning lo oullinc lo (he audiencc the łcope of the talk and lo dcscribc the order in włiich the main paints Mili be madę.

1.    I have dividcd my talk Into four scctions...

I havc dlvidcd the subject into four scctions ...

2.    The fiut point I ara going to make concems ...

My fint point concems._

The first point !'d like to make is ...

The first pan of my alk Mili concem...    _

l'd like fiistly to alk aboui...

3.    My second point concems ...

The sccond part will concem .-

4.    My third point concems ...

In the third part I dcal with the qucstion of ...

3. FinaJly, l'd like lo talk a linie aboui _

And, finally, I shall raise briefly the issue of...

Finally, I shall addrc&s the problem of ._

Opening the main seciion

I. I.ct me start by posing the qucstion _

2 l'd like lo begin by suggesling thal...

3.    I'd like lo start by drawing your attenlion lo ...

4.    Let me begin by noiing thal ...

Honing to a new point

“Signalling" thal a new point is being introduced provides the listeners with a “brcathing spacc". Tliey are given the opportunlty lo reflect for a moment on llie previous point and prepare for a new one. Pausing for a lew seconds b a useful way of dividing one sectlon or point faun another This can be accom panie d by one of sewal verbol capressions:

1.    Let me now tum to _

2.    Pd like to tum now to the quesiion of ...

3.    Let me tum now to the issue of ...

4.    Movuigonnowlolhequestionof_.

$. If we now look al _

6.    Let's look now al the questlon of...

7.    Having looked al this subject let*s now tum to...

5.    Can we now tum lo _

Elaboratlng a point


"Elaborating" cxprcsslons show thal you are going lo devclop a point in morę dctail or ta pand it into a main issue:

1.    I 'd like to look al this in a bit morę dctail.

2.    Can I devclop this point a bit fUrther?


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