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Form-A-Lines General

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on hammered white carH

needle trx>m the back of* the work through to the front, dle frorri the right sicie of the work through to the back



Work the outlines of the body and arms in stem stitch using the i 11 ustration as a guide.


Work the outlines of the beak and chin in stem stitch.


Jsc a pen to add a ot for the eye.


the boots

sing the 1 ustration as a



^ork the skis in em stitch.

IOW tlili.    . ...

ork the snów hiII —‘J+oh.

Basket 1.

Out at A in at B.

Out at C in at D.

Out at E in at F.

Stitch the other basket in a similar way using the illustration as a guide.


Add stitches for the sticks using the finished illustration as a guide.

Snowflake 1.

Out at 1 in at 2.

Out at 3 in at 4.

Out at S in at 6.

Stitch the other snowflakes in a similar way using the illustration as a guide

These Form-A-Lines instructions are copyright © 2008 D J Designs and may not be reproduced without permission. Published by Form-A-Lines Stitching Cards PO Box 795, St. Albans, AL2 2ZQ, UK.

Tel: 01727 769733 Email info@form-a-lines.com


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