9 5

9 5


A fencc and a hedge-' w cni round Ihc poot/ 10 prolcd ii from the wind./ Wc wnndcrcd up Ihc palli towards Ihc nncienl-looking hou.sc- I was sweatinu from Ihc hcal,/ and Ihc bolloms of my feet/ fclt ven- lendcr/ from our long walk./ Insidc ihc liall of ihe huilding/ CNcrything was vcry unlidy/ wilh hcaps of old U>m cłoth/ scattered about. I hc lock on thc door was hadly wonv and needed mending,/ and one of thc door-posts/ was leaning inwards./ Someonc had scralchcd/ a noticc on tlić door/ waming pcople to Iowcr ihcir heads/ as they went in.

Nwe: llw ;tbove typ? of exani is noc vo impoiwni from no» •>n, as Ihe scmlenis are gminę ucar to tfcj Cumbridęe Hr« CertitKuic li cioci. ho'w«ver. servc co &ho» (lic ccuchcr bow much vocabulwy his students have rcmcmbcrcd. and also ęivcs thc dincctor of a scbo.il or Of ■ company jii idea of how wcII Ihc student* arc progres^-


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