After working your cnitmndcry. finish the cndi o(thrrad and iron lo complrtc ihc Work Mcthod* ot lirmhmg ihc edgcs ot ccmrrpierc*. ubłrcłothi, and cuthiotu att ihuwn betów • Ironlng
Uk an iron wfch temperaturę conirol or a ueam iron, and prea «he work at the prnprt temperaturę for the bickground fabne Place a blanket on the trening board and cover n w. illi a clean white cloth Spray witer on rhc wrong udeol the work to rnomen it and lay M face down on the white cloth. then turnh with the iron Strctch the fabric from eithrr aide but bc careful not to cruth the mu Im
The buta tepe needed is four timee Ihe <£ finrshed width ol the p«*ng (Iwo limes the width and seam altowance).Lay the bias ta po on the fabne. nght twdos togothor. and work trom ® to ® . sewing along the bias tape on the right $ide oI the fabhc w*h a machinę, but hemnung on the wrong sde by hartd.
After markmg ahown as dotted lines. cut ołl a rectangle at the oomer and make a doutrie toki. fot Iow ing trom (i) to <^X and work it łn hem-mmg stitch
30 mr*9