Adverbs of frequency are used to Indłcate howof-ten so-metHirag happens. They usually answpr the question -How often?-. They are often used with the present strupie to talk about habitual actions. Their posibon In a sentence depends on the verb. In affirmativ« sta tements, they are normally placed:
. Aftcr the werb to be.
. After auxlliary werbs.
• Be-fore ordlnary verbs.
In negabve statements, they usually come after the negatiwe auxii*ary verb. Newertheles®, som-e-tlmesand frequenidy are placed before iL Some ad-verbs of frequency such as hardly, ewer or never cannot be used In n eg a U we statements. In quee>-tionsr adverbs of frequency come after the subject.
A) Insert the given adwerbs in correct po««
. - Have you be-en to London? («wer)
. - No, I have been Ihere (newer)
. Paul M/at-ches the flllm. (seldom)
. We stay up till li p.m. (somettnws)
• She can understand her frtends. (nevcr)
• Mary drinks ooke. (often)
. I go to the clnema on weekends. (always)
• I help my mother. (every week)