

to work within the characteristic style of their employer. Even those scudents who are most avant-garcłe in their own taste of clothes and image may need to adapt to produce designs which are right for the mainstrcam Mark and Spencer type of market. They also have to be able to work at both the exclusively expensive and the cheap end of the market and the challenge to produce good design inexpensivcly may well be morę demanding than where money is no object.

11.    To bc successful as a fashion designer one must

A)    have excellent academic qualifications.

B)    bc well established before you are 20.

C)    be able to handle business problems.

12.    Ali fashion designers should expcct to

A)    cope with continual fatiguc.

B)    face touglt competition.

C)    make a rapid tumover.

13.    In fashion design one of the most important factors is to

A)    make instant decisions.

B)    maintain good press contacts.

C)    satisfy exccssive demands.

14.    Lydia Kemeny, the Head of Fashion at St. Martin’s School of Art in London

A)    discouragcs candidatcs who lack determination.

B)    looks for both creative and submissive candidates.

C)    believes that only few fashion designers can survive.

15.    Training acąuaints the student with a basie knowlcdgc of

A)    factory management.

B)    personnel management.

C)    marketing.

16.    The word “insatiable” (linę 9) stands for

A)    unpredictable.

B)    wanting morę and morę.

C)    difficult to comprehend.

17.    ilTo stamp” (linę 15) means

A)    to destroy.

B)    topromote.

C)    to rely on.


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