

Unit 99 Present, Past, Perfect - simple


I. Zastosuj poprawną formę czasowników :    !

Mr Davicf Webster is a farnous archaeologist and an adventure seekei1. year, he . QOQ/) . (go) on exciting exploratię>n/trips to the most fasćinating

places in theHvorld. I.ast year, Mr Webster    .....(spend) three montlis in

the Amazpr] jungle and    (discover) some secret templeg of, the

Aztecffiike mthough in his lifetime he .hQ5..)^Q.d&(make) a lot of |excitlng discoveries. he CAAmW> (cherish) this one very much.    ;

This year, Mr Webster uCXS.(OsXV^OCV^\(eitre^oy /ex piorę) pyramids in the south of

Egypt and \V0S    (find) innunS^rable objects of artistic, and historie value.

Mr Webster says that he    .T ^\not wish) to find riches for himsdlf. Ever

sińce he to stevSć( start) the exciting work of an explorer, he (spend) the most of his own money on preparing his expeditions. What he (like) about the job is the sense of adyenture which inyariably^ OCOOVJU^<^®^ccompany) every exploration trip that he ,Q\|^^.^(organise). together v/ith riis companfons.

At the very begmning, two decades ago, any complicated eąuipment. He \f\QÓ .^TV. good reason. Nowadays. his crew T... (take) adyantage ofjradars, sonars, UV radiation and plenty of other devices. Mr Webster the first man who,    . (decide) to explore,sun%rnqalieys fleep u$der

water near the Bermuid^ TnangteHńU1976. Since that tirne^ he (retrieve) many tons of priceless artefacts and yaluable treasures.    j v

Pnvately, Mr Webster is a very decent and nice man. He always .SVyU.\0... (smile) and kata (tell) jokes and stories about his countless adventures.

He remembers most warmly the one willi an Indian guru with whom he (smoke) the pipę of peace during.his expedition two years ago.

‘    i

II. Uzupełnij dialog właściwymi formami czasowników :

A So. you are the new detective that I ..............(hear) about recently

When............(you / start) workmg for the department 7

B It .............(be) a month ago that I ....................(come) to New York,

A. Where ..............(you/work) before ?

B New Jersey. I ............(work) there for three years

r A What ..............(make) you change your place of work ?

B Many things. I..... . (always / want) to work with real specialists.

A ...    . (you / ever / invesligate) a crime ?

B Surę I    .......(solve) a few serious cases so far    j

Mr Webster, (have to) FeTy

ot use)

n maps and his own



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