YOU are, by de/inition. round. You havc Ihc bodypcoplc want to cuddlc up to. You are not easy to dress, but have pitlow-sojl breasts and dwincly scutptcd anklcs.
FOR you. it’s all about bringing focus to the top half, up and away from your tummy.
Start by lovlng yourself cnough to invest in a deccnt bra. Get properly measured and fitted. You may be surprised to find that you are not the size you thought you werc.
The top has a wide-open neckllne that gives us a flash of the begin-nlng of your cleavage. Ifs a surę-fire way to keep people’s eyes away from your tum. Cap sleevcs help to broaden your shoulders — if you have big arms. you don't have to spcnd your entire life in batwing sleevcs. Look out for tai-lored trousers that have no bulky pockets or protruding zips. Avoid clumpy shoes—your body shape sit-s well atop a dainty wcdge.
1TIS possible to wear llghter shades when you are larger. as with this out-fit. The combination of a fiat grey with the texture of the cream broderle anglaise coat breaks up your frame and give$ your curves morę emphasls. Notę that the darkcr shade of grey is slill on your bottom half and tnat the trousers conform to the ‘wide leg. side-fastening* rule.
A long coat worn opon is a really valuable way for you to look smart and slimmer at the same time. The vertlcal lines created by the front opening of the coat socmkngly dissect your body into three long. narrow slices. Sparkly sandals give a smart but laid-back nnish.