THE APPLE, by deflnltlon, Ls round. You have the body peopio want to cudclle up to. But ls it easy to dress? No. it’s not. Thatfs why you think lt so much safer to cover yourself with yards of fabrtc. maktng absolutely suro not ono contimo-tre of Desh can peep out.
Sometlmes the thickened walst of the Apple materlaltses with the menoi>ause. At the earller ond of the scalę ls a nuto puppy fat. Of all our shapes. the Apple tends to bo the least confl-dent, Irrespectlve of your beautlfhl skin, plllow-soft breasts and dtvlnely sculpted ankles, you really don’t liko your body. But donn deprlve others of a wonderful cleavage that can be enhanced with Iow tops and fttted Jackets. Your body 1$ easy to redenne with the rtght clothes.
KEY SHAPES: Sklrts should beslde-fastenlng and flat-fronted, to avold extra bulk. With shoes, a smali, shaped wedge shows off shapely calves and ankles. Tradltional Jeans don’t wor k for you, so go for tallored, wlde-legged denim trousers.
YOUR body ls the very essence of what makes a woman womanly. So you aro mado for tho boys, but — you feel — not for clothes.
Rishton to you Ss a barrier to looking trendy. You try out the smock drosses and blouson tops. but with your big boobs and short walst you feel pregnant. The key ls not to hlde any part of your body, but to show lt off. You absolutoly must woar nttod clothos that ciasp your curves and stretch your torso. Would Marilyn Monroe have looked the sex bomb she was ln frumpy, grungy eoar?
Keop ln mlnd tho fact that most men would rather see boobs and bottom than a bag of bones. Keep tt tlght and wtggle your bum. The results will be astounding. You will no longer feel fat and lumpy.
KEY SHAPES: The cornerstones of an Hourglasswardrobe are V-neckfltted cardlgansand pcncll sklrts. Avold stllettos, choose shoes with rounded or peeptoes.