Ask Me Everything1

Ask Me Everything1

Hair: Grows from scalp and protects top of head

Skin: Forms a protective barrier

Fat layer:

Insulates the body


Protect ends of the fingers and thumbs

Brown melanin:

Pigment in skin that filters out harmful rays of the Sun

Orbicularis oculi:

Closes the eyes

Tibialis anterior:

Lifts the foot upward and inward

Integumentary system


Muscular system

Together, skin, hair, and nails make up the body's protective outer covering. They form a waterproof and germproof barrier between the delicate internal organs and the outside world.

Pectoralis major:

Pulls the arm forward and toward the body

Biceps brachii:

Bends the arm at the elbow

External oblique:

Twists the trunk and bends it sideways

Sartorius: Bends the thigh at the hip and rotates it outward

Ouadriceps femoris:

Straightens the leg at the knee and bends the thigh at the hip

Muscles attached to the skeleton puli the bones to move the body. Smooth muscle produces movement in walls of hollow organs, such as the intestines. Cardiac muscle makes the heart beat.

Internat jugular vein: Collects blood from the brain

Superior vena cava:

Drains blood from the upper body

Heart: Pumps blood along blood vessels

Descending aorta:

Supplies blood to the abdomen and legs

Femoral artery:

Supplies the thigh and knee

Femoral vein:

Carries blood from the thigh

Smali saphenous vein: Drains the foot and lower leg

Anterior tibial artery: Supplies the lower leg and foot

Cardiovascular system

The heart pumps oxygen-rich blood along arteries (red) to the body’s tissues via tiny blood vessels called capillaries. Veins (blue) return oxygen-poor blood to the heart.


Carries air

Larynx (or voicebox):

produces sounds

Lungs: Supply the body with oxygen and remove waste carbon dioxide

Diaphragm: Domed muscle that helps breathing movements of the lungs

Nasal cavity:

Cleans, warms, and moistens inhaled air

Teeth: Chop and crush food into smali pieces

Salivary gland:

Releases watery saliva into the mouth

Tell me morę: body systems

Each body system carries out an important function, such as Processing food, transporting blood around the body, or providing the body with oxygen. For a healthy body to function efficiently, the systems work together in a synchronized way, controlled mainly by the brain and nervous system.

Intercostal muscle:

Moves ribs to aid breathing

Respiratory system

Air enters the lungs via the nasal cavity and pharynx (throat). In the lungs, oxygen is absorbed into the blood and waste carbon dioxide is removed from the blood.


^tomach: Stores, churns, and partially digests food

Esophagus: Pushes food to the stornach

Smali intestine: Main site of digestion and absorption of food

Rectum: Stores feces until it can be released


Forms and transports feces

Digestive system

Food is swallowed down the esophagus to the stornach. As the food passes through the stornach and intestines, it is digested and nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream.

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