Painting is a way for people to express feelings, relax, or capture their view of the world. By applying paint to a canvas, body part, or even a house, the painted object is immediately transformed. Painting can also be a lot of fun!
/y) Distemper
This is a traditional wali paint comprising water, pigment, and glue.
yyj Oil paint
WA lt is madę by mixing
pigment with an oil binder.
A paint madę from plastics, such as latex.
g-yj Gouache
■RSS This is a type of
watercolor, mixed with chalk to make it opaque.
gyt Watercolor
HSS These are paints that can be manipulated by water.
gyi Primer/sealer
This is a surface for the ^^finish coats of paint.
Bronzed tower
The Eiffel Tower has been painted 19 times sińce it was built to prevent it from oxidizing. It takes 25 painters morę than one year to paint it from the peak to the base. The current branże color is shaded towards the top so that it appears the same color against the Paris skyline.
Aboriginal dot painting
Australia's Western Desert people traditionally use dots and lines to create paintings fuli of sacred symbols. Modem Aboriginal artists use acrylic paints, but traditionally these were ground paintings drawn in the sand using Stones, earth (ocher), feathers, flowers, and grasses.
In the Middle East,
India, Pakistan, and northern Africa, henna pastę is used for bridal body art.
Ancient Scottish Celts used blue woad (flower extract) for war paint.
Aboriginal Australians use clay and ocher for
paint on face and bodies.
Ancient Egyptians used green malachite
(copper oxide) to paint around eyes.
In Elizabethan England the upper classes used a lead and white vinegar mix was used for painting faces white.
In the futurę, solar cells may be applied in paint form on the roofs of houses, factories, and public buildings to generate electricity.
These cities have brightened up their neighborhoods by painting houses and apartments in cheerful colors.
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