Ask Me Everything4

Ask Me Everything4

How do you make pi?

Divide the circumference of any circle by the same circle's / diameter and you'11 always    *

get the same number—    t

3.14159. In mathematics, a j number that never changes | is called a constant. This t constant is also called    '

pi (pronounced pie). It's written as the Greek letter n. s









We count in tens    sC0Unt

have tenftnge ' doryt have ten in twos—they    electnc


currentsofiand    n(J one.

thenumbers    ontenare

Numbers basea    bers

baSb^nary numbers.

\Mhy »* J „ot 12f?S

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i    underweight-

count in the same way down your left arm and hand, reaching “27” on the little finger of your left hand.


Some of the most important discoveries in history have been madę by mathematicians, who are able to make sense of the numbers in our world.

Rene Descartes





01    ■ Natural numbers

The counting numbers—

1.2,    3, and so on

02    ■ Integers

Counting numbers (1,2, 3, and so on) and their negatives (-1, -2, -3, and so on)

03    ■ Rational numbers

Counting numbers (1,2, 3, and so on) and fractions (1/4,1/2, 3A, and so on)

04" Prime numbers

Numbers that can be divided only by themselves and one

05 ■ Perfect numbers

Numbers that are the sum of all their factors, such as 6. It can be divided by

1.2,    and 3, and it is also the sum of 1,2, and 3

Numbers In naturę

©Naturę seems to be random, but numbers can be found everywhere in the natural world.

One set of numbers present in naturę is known as the Fibonacci sequence.

@Each number in the Fibonacci sequence is found by adding the two previous numbers—0, 1, 1,2,

3, 5, 8, 13, 21,34, and so on.

©The spiral patterns of sunflower seeds and pinecones (above), the shape of snail shells, and the arrangement of leaves on plant stems all follow the Fibonacci seguence.

How big is infinity?

InfLnity is bigger than any other number. In fact, it’s so big that it cant be counted. It’s written as a symbol called a lemniscate that looks like a number 8 lying on its side.

Pierre de Fermat


Sir Isaac Newton


Gottfried Leibniz



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