Ask Me Everything1

Ask Me Everything1

How big is a bird of]prey

Birds of prey, or raptors, are birds that hunt other animals for food. They include huge eagles and condors with a wingspan of up to 9.8 ft (3 m), as well as pigeon-size kestrels and merlins. Most birds of prey have sharp sight, a hooked bill, and large, curved claws called talons.

How to: catch a fish dinner if you’re an osprey

V I ■ Fly over the lakę or sea, about 100 ft (30 m) around the surface. Once you spot a fish, hover for an instant.

Snatch a fish in your talons. Fly up, out of the water, turning the fish head-forward to reduce drag.

Fly back

to your nest and feed your hungry chicks—or find a quiet perch and devour the fish yourself!

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Plummet toward your prey, plunging feet-first into the water.

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Types of birds of prey

For thousands of years, nomadic peoples in Central Asia have trained golden eagles to hunt for them. Training can take four years, and the eagle will only obey its trainer. The bird is used to hunt young deer, foxes, and even young wolves.

and huge, taloned feet. for speed.


65 species Large, powerful birds with broad wings, a heavy head and beak,


66 species Medium-size raptors with narrow, pointed wings that are built


15 species The most common European raptors, these falcons hover while hunting.


56 species

Agile woodland raptors with shorter wings and longer tails, built for flying among trees.

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