Ask Me Everything’

Ask Me Everything’




birdlike predatory dinosaurs,

Citipati nad three slender fingers—the middle one was the longest and strongest

Strong legs: Citipati was probably a reasonably fast runner. Its legs were long, with large muscles attached to the shin and thighbones





Curved claws: Measured




sharp tips, and may have been used in self-defense

Downy feathers: Covered Citipati’s body and kept the animal warm

Fossil reconstruction | 90|91

Birdlike feet: Large, three-toed feet had Sharp claws that could have been using in fighting and digging

Short taiÅ‚: Helped to balance the dinosaur when it walked on two legs and would have been feathered

Oval eggs: Citipati laid its eggs in a circle and then sat on the nest like a modern bird does


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