Ask Me Everything˜

Ask Me Everything˜


Tiktaalik lived 375 million years ago. This fish could prop itself up on its front fins, so it is a key link to the first land animals.

â–  â–  Bighorn sheep have become around 20 percent smaller in the past 30 years. This is because human hunters shoot the biggest animals.

05 â–  The

moray eel cannot create enough suction to draw in prey as other fish do. The eel has evolved a second set of hidden jaws. They pop out and drag food into the mouth.

Darwin predicted that only a moth with an 11-in (28-cm) mouthpart could feed from this star orchid. The moth was discovered 40 years later.

â–  Sticklebacks lose their spiny back fins if they live in predator-free lakes. These fish will become a new species.

Still going strong

The coelacanth was thought to have died out with the dinosaurs, until fishermen caught one in 1938. Its perfect body design has not changed for 400 million years.

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