


Your difficulty is:

Tight muscles: Equipment: Starting Position:



Common Errors:


Normal Mobility:

Bending your head and neck backward while turning and bending them sideways to the right.

Muscles that tum neck and bend it forward and sideways.

Chair with firm back.

Sit firmly in to back of chair. Place right hand on top of head, fingers 00 left tempie.

1.    Look backward and down. Bend head and neck backward and to the right while turning head to the right, so that stretch is felt along front and left side of neck.

2.    Look up and to the left and press head against right hand; hołd for 5 seconds.

3.    Relax; look down and backward to the right. Bend head backward and to the right while turning it to the right to limit, pulling slightly with right hand.

4.    Repeat until you feel you can stretch no further and muscles feel tigh'_ Hołd this finał stretch from 15 seconds to a minutę or morę.

1.    Move right hand to right tempie.

2.    Look backward and down to the right.

3.    Bend neck to move head backward to the right and turn head right to limk.

4.    Resist movement with right hand.

5.    Hołd position a few seconds.

*    Right hand slips on head.

*    One of the three movements - backward, sideways or turning - is too smali.

Stretch should be felt only in neck. If you feel discomfort or pain in your head, throat, shouldcrs, arms, or any other part of your body, stop stretching immediately.

You should be able to bend head backward and tum right until you can look down your back.



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