Your difficulty is: Tight Muscles: Equipment:
Starting Position: Stretching:
Stimulation: Common Errors: Notes:
Normal Mobility:
Turning your legs outward at hip.
1 Muscles that turn legs inward at hip.
Strong, stable chair or bench with partly open back. or a siinilar verticŁ support, padded for comfort.
Place right knee and shin on chair seat. 'Lock' ankle against outside of chair-back upright. keeping foot over cdgc of seat. Keep back straight and tilt pelvis backward by 'pulling taił between legs' and pulling lower belly up toward navel. Straighten right hip.
1. Place left foot by left side of chair. pointing forward. and turn pelvis and trunk to thc left so that stretch is felt in thc right hip.
2. Press right lower leg against chair upright; hołd for 5 seconds.
3. Reiax. then place left foot by left side of chair. pointing forward, and tum pelvis and trunk to the left so that right leg turns outward to limit — maybe a liltle bit morę.
4. Repeat until you feel you can stretch no furtherand muscles feel tight. Hołd this finał stretch from 15 seconds to a minutę or morę.
1. Move right foot toward back of left knee - that is. turn right thigh outward to limit.
2. Hołd that position a few seconds.
* Chair slides on floor.
* Lower back bent sideways or arched.
* Lower back and pelvis not moved as a unit.
1. If you do this excrcisc wrong, you may overstrain your knee. If you feel pain on inner side of right knee. stop stretching immediately, and check your stretching techniquc with your physical therapist or in-structor.
2. hip pain; ifso, stretch with less force over a longer limę.
3. This stretch may also be done with hip bent.
You should be ablc to turn legs about 45 degrees outward at hips.