tkV €*a%feug

figurkie Project of tf«

0 2004

Unda Pdcrsan Otsigns Ali Rights ftcscrvcd

Basic Body shape; Rounded triangle. Press thick end on fiat surface and puli up necklme.

Flatten Two 1/4" white balls and place one on each side where wire legs fit.

Shape a 3/8" bali into a Tapered log. Round off thick end. Press a smali black bali to thumb area and blend seam. Press one arm to each side of body.

Cut out a 1" circle. Cut circle in half and place over each side of body like you are drapinga cape.

The next picture shows the view f rom the back.

Add smali flattened black balls to red half circles for lady bug spots.

Cut out a white circle the size of a quarter. I have poked a design into the collar with my needle tool. Texture as desired. Cut a smali hole in center of collar and press over neckline.

Shape a 1/2" black bali into a rounded triangle. Flatten a bali of white and shape to a rounded triangle. Press on front of face. The indentations you see here have been created with the clay shaper. Add a tiny red bali for nose and press in eyes. Shape mouth as desired.

Flatten red clay and cut out two heart shapes approximately 3/4" in size. braw a plaid texture with needle tool. Press to back of ladybug for wings.

Shape a 1/2" bali into an oval. And ref ine to the shape you see in the picture.

Press a f latten white bali to the top. (top view of shoe) Poke a wire into the ankle area of the shoe. Poke other end of wire into leg area of lady bug.

Watcrmelon: Mix 1 part red to 4 parts white. Roli this mix into a log. Wrap log with white clay on a #4 settrng. Wrap log aoain with green clay on #3 settrng.

Take a 1/4" wide slice. Cut slicc in half. Add black spots for seeds. Place in ladybugs hands and position as desired.

Cut 2 pieces of wire 2" long and press into top of head for antennae. Press a bali to each end of antennae. Glue after bakmg if necessary.

Bakę project for 1 hour at 265 degrees Emoil guestions to: dlpcc^son^mch-.. cor. or www.lindopctersondcsł



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