Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE35

Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE35

Test 4 B

Everyday English

F. Maleli Ihe senlences ( 36-40) to Ihe responses (A-F).

e.g. Gwen and łan are getting married    \ That's awful!

inJune.    C

B Wow!

36    Two people diod in a car crash this

C Howwonderful!

morntng.    .....

37    A ihicf stole Mrs Ilarperscaryesterday......    n Thatsshocking!

38    I Icfl my handhag in ihe laxi!

39    I’ve just passed my driving testl    ..... ^ no

40    They have iiwenied a flyingcar!    ..... jr Weil donc!

I MarLv-

l 5x2    10


G. Road Ihe story and coniplete Ihe gaps (41-50).

The Pink Hero

U 0) was a cold w inler morntng and Farmer Giles was feeding ihe animals on

41) .................. farm Penny. his favourile pig. was noi vrry wcil. so hr iook her

inside 42)................... housc. He madc 3 smali bed for Her on ihe floor ncxt to the

kitchcn firc then went back out to work on the farm.

Aboul 43)................... hour latcr. Farmer Giles suddenly heard a terrible

noise coming from the house so he went to ser whal it was Penny was erying and

trying 44)................... get out of the housc. “What is it?’’ asked the farmer as

45)...................opened the door for hcr.

As the door opened. the sick pig slartcd to walk very slowly towards the

henhouse. As he watched poor Penny fali 46).................again and again. Farmer

Giles went to help hcr. Suddenly, hc saw two wo1vcs and understood w hal Penny was

trying lo say. He shouted 47)...................loudly 3s he grabbed an old ratling and ran

towards the wolves. I he wolvesquickly ran 48)...................intothe trees behitul the


Later that afiernoon. Farmer Giles was sitting in front of a roaring 49)...................

in the kuchen. Poor Penny was still not vcry wcil, but she was ccrtainly the bero 30) ...................the day!


10x2    20


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