Test 5 A
G. Use the Information in the notes to write an articlc alniut transport in the futurę. Usc the text in Ex. F as a model and your own ideas (80-100 words).
no cars or -cxhaust fumes
won't affcct the ozone layer
pcoplc usc — spacc suits to fly
takc us to other plancts for holidays
faster than cars; no morę traftlc jams
H. You are going to listen to somcone reading a horoscope. Listcn and complcte questions 51-55.
You were bom betwccn March 21 and 0) April 19.
Your lucky day will bc 51)..............................
You will make an important 52)............................. on Friday.
You will go on a short 53).............................at the weekend.
Someonc 54).............................and intcresting will come intoyour life.
On Sunday, a (n) 55).............................will comc your way.
5x2 10