Sun] Reoding crt/words.
Long a (ai)
nail pail
taił wail
3. It carries water.
Paront: This actwity your chikJ lonm to rocogni*# long./ words that havo tho wora pj»rt -arf Po>nt to tho word box and holp your ClłiW tdontify tho a and tho I In tho nwJOJe ot each word Exptain Ihal in each word. tho i is silont and s-gnais that tho .1 mokos a long a sound You may woni to tonch your ch:!d th-s rhymo: VVhert hvo vowels go waWng. tho Urst one does the UWóng In these words, a and / go walkmg, A doos the latking (makes the foog a soundl Y.frte / is silent
•O 199B BngNtiy Vls<on Inc
gnohtor V<Uon lOArnlng Advtntum